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Delegation is often the hardest thing for gym owners to do. We all know that we’ve wished for just a few more hours in the day, or even another day or two in the week. However, we can practice wishful thinking all we want, when in fact, the solution is staring us right in the face. Delegate!!

If you can just get over the stress of loosening your grip over your business, and accept that others can do certain things just as well – or better in some cases – than you can, there will be significant benefits to you and your business. 

  • More time to focus on your members
  • Areas of your business can grow faster
  • Your trainers, coaches, and staff will feel valued and empowered
  • Parts of your gym that you’ve delayed moving forward with can now be started
  • Your gym will run more efficiently and will allow you to buy back your time and reduce your stress

Delegation doesn’t mean giving up control, just a few delegation strategies can ease your burden while giving others a chance to shine and boost your gym’s revenue. 

Delegating comes in many forms – staff, the right gym management software, and even outsourcing some of your responsibilities. 

By focusing on these 3 key areas, you will improve your gym efficiency, your members will stay happy, retention will increase, and revenue will grow!

Utilize Your Staff’s Talents
Chances are, you don’t even realize some of your staff’s unique skills can help your gym grow. When you hire the right people and the training process is used to identify what each of your staff excels at, you’ll see those that have an eye for accounting, a talent in programming, one’s ability to work quickly and independently, or a skill for marketing to clients. Find what they thrive at and give them responsibilities that are suited to their strengths. 

If you want to build retention among your staff, ask for their input. Many of them see things you don’t in the daily operations, they communicate and build relationships with the members, and they have a fresh perspective on things. Giving them the chance to be a part of the business’s growth and development, it’ll prepare them for bigger tasks as your gym grows. 

Effective Communication
Having regular team meetings will help you be successful in delegating tasks so that everyone knows what their role is and what they’re responsible for both individually and as a team. 

Invest in an All-In-One Gym Management Software
When you have gym management software that can streamline and automate things like your systems and processes, it becomes an invaluable business tool. FitHive is equipped with features to control admin tasks and repetitive tasks, and offers functions that make life easier for your gym members.

  • Membership portal
  • Collecting payments
  • Monitoring attendance 
  • Track and show analytics 
  • Implementing new services and informing members
  • Onboarding new members and organizing memberships
  • Marketing and reminders about class times and special offerings
  • Communicating with clients about class schedules and availability

Boost Your Membership Experience
When you have a sophisticated management system, your members will have a place to view your schedule, availability, and a convenient app to book on their own when it’s convenient for them. They’ll be able to view your services, learn more about your offers, and check in to their classes with ease. Enriching the member experience, drives retention, and attendance, and encourages referrals. 

Streamline Your Business
Our FitHive system is full of automated tools and integrations to improve your workflow and increase your productivity. When it comes to automatic payments, communicating with members, nurturing leads, or even sending SMS – we’ve got you covered. It’s simple enough even to train your staff to manage. 

Utilize Detailed Reporting and Analytics
If there’s something that’ll save you time and boost your gym growth, it’s accurate reporting and analytics. Whether they are in-depth, or simple, at-a-glance reports, you’ll have the information you need to make smart, real-time decisions for your gym.

  • Member attendance and progress stats
  • Conversion rates of leads
  • Revenue and income
  • Tax reports
  • And More

Outsourcing to a Virtual Assistant
Whether it’s tasks you cannot delegate to your staff or need technical support with your gym management software, make sure they have the background and experience to support what you need. 

  • Bookkeeping & finance
  • Designing and producing newsletters
  • Setting up workflows, campaigns, and automation
  • Custom writing for lead nurture campaigns and SMS 
  • Creating videos and posts for your social media platforms

Whatever it is that you need, FitHive has the skilled VA’s to help! All of our Virtual Assistants have expertise in their specific team niche. 

Lastly, develop relationships with other gym business owners to learn tips and tools that they are doing for success. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been at it, we all need some guidance at some point to take that next step. At FitHive, we have a FREE Facebook Group of Gym Owners that have a place to learn from other gym owners, ask technical questions from our FitHive professionals, and have the opportunity in a safe, supportive environment to rely on other experts in the health & fitness industry. 

Ultimately, successful delegation will improve efficiency, give you more time to build a better member experience, and will boost your gym by encouraging your staff to become more vested in your business. 

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Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim drumstick pork loin shankle venison. Leberkas tongue pig, meatball beef ribs cow shank. Pork belly andouille flank shoulder leberkas salami filet mignon ball tip pancetta kevin drumstick t-bone.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim drumstick pork loin shankle venison. Leberkas tongue pig, meatball beef ribs cow shank. Pork belly andouille flank shoulder leberkas salami filet mignon ball tip pancetta kevin drumstick t-bone.